Rutte addresses Ukrainian parliament: ‘War is like David against Goliath’ Inland

In the speech, which lasted about thirteen minutes and was delivered in English, Rutte says that the Ukrainian people can “count on the unwavering support of the Netherlands”. This is happening with arms supplies and stricter sanctions against Russia. “We will also do our utmost to provide the thousands who seek refuge in our country with everything they need until they can return safely to their homes and families,” Rutte said. Before and after the speech, the prime minister received a standing ovation from Ukrainian parliamentarians.

Rutte compared the war between Ukraine and Russia to the biblical fight between David and Goliath. “We admire the courage of Ukraine more than I can express in words. It’s like David against Goliath. And we all know who won that fight.”

According to Rutte, Russian President Vladimir Putin made a bad mistake. Putin may have assumed he could isolate Ukraine and divide the democratic forces in the West with a swift military victory. But he was wrong. In fact, that was a serious miscalculation, because the opposite has happened. The forces of democracy in the West are more united than ever.”

Member European Union

Rutte also discussed Ukraine’s wish to join the European Union. “Before this war started, Ukraine was already a valued member of the European family. And of course it has had a formal association agreement with the European Union since 2017. It is clear to me that this family bond is growing closer every day. It is important that we seize every opportunity to promote cooperation between Ukraine and the EU. And that we work together on recovery and reconstruction in a way that brings Ukraine closer to the EU.”

The Ukrainian parliament speaker said before the speech that he hoped that the Netherlands would support Ukraine’s EU membership. He also thanked Rutte for sending weapons and financial support through the Netherlands.

The Ukrainian parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, has 450 seats, of which the absolute majority is held by the party of President Volodomir Zelensky, Servant of the People. Zelenski addressed the House of Representatives on March 31 via a video link. He then asked Rutte to give a speech to the Ukrainian parliament.
