Rust returns to Tripoli after 32 people die in fighting | Abroad

The street fighting started Friday and lasted until Saturday. Gunshots and bombardments resounded in various districts of Tripoli. Many buildings and cars were damaged. At the root of the violence is the political chaos in the country, with two governments vying for power. On Sunday, calm seems to have returned to Tripoli.

Libya has been in chaos since the fall of dictator Muammar al-Gaddafi in 2011. Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh is officially in Tripoli, but the rival government of former Interior Minister Fathi Bashagha, based in the east of the North African country, claims power.

Dbeibeh only wants to hand over power to an elected government. Elections were scheduled to take place in December last year, but they were postponed due to political violence. There is still no new date.
