Russia’s Deputy Representative to the UN announced “zones of lawlessness” in Syria because of the United States

The presence of the US military in Syria creates a “legal vacuum”, Russia demands to withdraw from the country all foreign military forces that are there illegally declared Dmitry Polyansky, First Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN, during a meeting of the Organization’s Security Council.

Polyansky said that a difficult situation had developed in the zone of “occupation” of American troops in northeastern Syria. According to him, American forces are engaged in “theft of oil”, the ecology of the region is suffering, but the UN does not react in any way to what is happening. The diplomat said that the presence of US troops provoked the emergence of a “zone of lawlessness” in Syria, on which foreign terrorists operate.

“We demand the immediate withdrawal from Syria of all foreign forces present there illegally. The United States is clearly not coping with the fight against terrorism even on a local, not to mention global, scale, ”Polyansky concluded.

ISIS fighters attacked a prison in Syria and tried to free prisoners

“The US military is present in northeast Syria as part of the Global Coalition with the sole purpose of continuing to fight ISIS (a terrorist organization banned in Russia. — RBC). We are proud to work together with local Syrian partners,” declared in response to US Deputy Representative to the UN Richard Mills. The diplomat also called the words of Russian diplomats “a mass of disinformation” and “frankly, lies” about US actions in Syria.


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