Russia’s credit status deteriorated rapidly according to ratingbureau Moody’s | economy

When the company says that the order is now from B3 to Ca, what is known about the risk of wanting betalingen is now even more important. The acknowledgment is therefore dependent on a declaration by Moody’s of the same “serious concerns” about the already existing assets of Russia or the obligation to pay debts that come up.

Grandchildren for the decision of Moody’s ondertekende by the Russian President Vladimir Poetin nog een decreet dat de Russe regering en Russian bedrijven toestaat om buitenlandse debtors in roebels af te rekenen. The Russian munt is afgelopen week real fors in waarde gedaald.

Kredietbeoordelaars as Moody’s en Fitch hadden de rating van Russia onlangs al verlaagd vanwege de international sancties the door het Westen aan Rusland zijn opgelegd als reactie op de invasie van Oekraïne. It was never the first thing that Russia was said to be dead junk. Moody’s and S&P names at the beginning of 2015 both immediate steps after the annexation of Crimea and the future olieprijzen and valutacrisis in Rusland veroorzaakten.
