Russians celebrate winning the Zelensky family in Crimea | Buitenland

The official apartment was located on the Black Sea of ​​Olena Zelenska, the wife of the President. The target is for a total of 154,000 euros in 2013, a year before the Russians have annexed the Schiereiland. Zelensky was still working as an actor.

This is the year of the Russian state’s decision to win with an oppervlak of 120 square meters. The apartment has three rooms and a living room on the Black Sea in the Livadia Palace, the summer residence of Nicolaas II, the last Russian tsar. In the 1945 Conference of the Yalta Squares, the Geallieerden Grotendeels de toekomst van het naoorlogse Europa were paalden.

The co-opster, Olena Lipoveskaja uit Moskou, leek geen boodschap te hebben aan like the previous one was. Volgens TASS cooks ze de woning vanwege de goede ligging en the klimaat on the Black Sea. According to media reports, the opbrengst was used by the Oekraïne to finance.

The Crimea was regularly spoken to and taken by the Oekraïners. Zelensky heeft herhaaldelijk gezegd vastbesloten te zijn het schereiland terug te veroveren.
