Russian troops seize Ukraine’s second largest power plant | NOW

Russian forces have captured Ukraine’s second largest power plant. The Vuhlehirsk coal-fired power station was built in Soviet times and is located between the eastern cities of Luhansk and Donetsk.

The Russians had previously announced that they had taken the coal-fired power station. Now Oleksiy Arestovych, an adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, is also confirming the news.

“They gained a small strategic advantage,” Arestovych said in an interview posted to YouTube. It is the Russians’ first strategic victory in more than three weeks.

Mass Regrouping

Russian troops are also “en masse” regrouping towards three southern regions, Arestovych reports. These are the regions of Melitopol, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson. The move would mean a change in Moscow’s tactics – from offensive to defensive.

The city of Kherson was taken by the Russians early in the war. The Ukrainian army plans to retake the city while advancing “step by step” towards the southern region of Kherson, President Zelensky said on Sunday. For example, the army shelled a strategic bridge in the Russian-occupied region and is trying to cut roads over which the Russian army can transport weapons.
