Russian state television now broadcasts everything with a delay of 30 to 60 seconds after protest action Marina Ovsyannikova | War Ukraine and Russia

The Russian state channel Channel One no longer broadcasts its programs live, but with a delay of 30 to 60 seconds. A well-informed source told the independent Russian journalist Farida Rustamova. The reason is the protest by Marina Ovsyannikova.

The latter suddenly appeared behind the anchor during a live news broadcast on Monday evening and held up a sign that read: “NO WAR. Stop the war. Don’t believe the propaganda. They lie to you here.”

Ovsyannikova also shouted slogans against the war in Ukraine. It took six seconds before the director managed to switch to a report and remove the woman from the picture.


In response to the action, the channel has now drawn up new rules. “Previously, everything was broadcast live without delay,” Rustamova told Telegram. “But since yesterday, news reports and the evening news ‘Vremya’ (in which Ovsyannikova appeared, ed.) are delayed by 30 to 60 seconds.”

Marina Ovsyannikova with her lawyer in court. © Photo News

Marina Ovsyannikova appeared in court yesterday afternoon and was fined 30,000 rubles (about 250 euros). Then she was released. Until then, nothing had been heard from her since her arrest.

However, observers fear that the woman is not yet on the ice. For example, she was only convicted for a YouTube video that she put online before her action and in which she condemned the war in Ukraine, and not for the action in the news studio itself. It is not uncommon in Russia to be arrested several times for the same offenses and to be prosecuted again under different charges.

Fifteen years in prison

She could therefore still be accused of publishing ‘false information’ about the Russian army, the most serious charge that was feared. It carries a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison.

Channel One immediately launched an internal investigation into the incident. The channel is the main source of news for millions of Russians and faithfully follows the Kremlin’s discourse.

Read all about the conflict in Ukraine in our file.

Woman who showed message against war in Ukraine on Russian TV fined and released
