Russian minister detests ‘decadence of the West’, secret stepdaughter now leads luxury life in London with his money | War Ukraine and Russia

His nickname is ‘Mister Njet’, his attitude rather surly. Like his boss Vladimir Putin, the Russian foreign minister regularly portrays the West as “decadent, arrogant and morally bankrupt”. That is why it is all the more striking that Sergei Lavrov’s secret stepdaughter leads a real luxury life in London. “The sponsorship money from Russian oligarchs ends up in her hands through him,” it sounds. British MPs are now calling for sanctions to be imposed on Polina Kowalewa (26) and the rest of her family.

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Officially, Lavrov has been married to Maria Lavrova since 1971. However, she has not appeared in the spotlight since time immemorial.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. © Photo News

The Russian non-profit organization FBK, founded by Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, revealed in a video last year that Lavrov leads a double life. His real lover has been called Svetlana Polyakova (51) since the beginning of the millennium, her daughter Polina comes from her first marriage.

Polina Kowalewa.

Polina Kowalewa. © Twitter

On Instagram, the glamorous blonde showed off her glitzy lifestyle. She went to parties, strolled on luxury yachts and stayed in the posh-chic villas of the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. Her existence was like one big vacation. However, when her true family connection came to light, she immediately unsubscribed from her profile.

After all, FBK had also come up with painful findings. For example, at the age of 21, Polina put more than 5 million euros on the table to buy her dream flat in the expensive Kensington district. No mortgage, just cash…

Left: Svetlana Polyakova, Lavrov's second wife.  Right: Polina Kowalewa.

Left: Svetlana Polyakova, Lavrov’s second wife. Right: Polina Kowalewa. © Twitter

Her mother Svetlana is also not indifferent. Officials call her “one of the most important women of the Russian ministry”. She accompanied her lover Lavrov to numerous official events and diplomatic visits abroad, but remains there in the shadows from the general public. Meetings with President Putin are also on the list.

Svetlana owns a fleet of luxury cars, including a Mercedes-Maybach GLS 600 worth around 250,000 euros. Her 260 m² apartment in Moscow is even said to be worth 6 million euros. She used to work as an actress and restaurateur, now she no longer has a job.

Polina Kowalewa.

Polina Kowalewa. © Twitter

Where does all that money come from? The FBK knows for sure. “Lavrov is more than happy to hand out bribes from Russian oligarchs to (the relatives of) his lover.”

And so they too must bleed financially, British MPs now judge. “If action can be taken against Roman Abramovich (the owner of Chelsea football club; ed.), the rest must follow,” said Layla Moran of the Liberal Democrats.

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