Russian gymnast, here’s the step back: “That Z means victory and peace”

The Russian gymnast after the Doha provocation: “I just wanted to show where I come from. They told us to cover our flag, I did it”

Now Ivan Kuliak takes a step back. The Russian gymnast who on the podium of the parallel competition of the Doha World Cup showed off a tank top with the Z symbol of the Russian military (having the Ukrainian winner next to him), seems to have regretted the provocation made: “I just wanted to show where I come from , that’s all. They told us to cover our flag, which I did. As an athlete I will always fight for victory and compete for peace, that’s it, this Z stands for victory and peace. ”


Kuliak, 20 years old from Kaluga, was in the first senior international race of his career and finished second. The explanation of the Russian athlete comes the day after the position taken by the International Gymnastics Federation which yesterday decided to evaluate the case with a disciplinary procedure “for a behavior defined as shocking”.
