Russian bombardment of civilian areas in the Ukrainian city of Dnipro

bombings hit civilian areas on Friday in Dniproa city of center of ukraine until now protected from attacks, indicated the emergency services Ukrainians, who reported one casualty.

Early in the morning “there has been three air strikes in the city, hitting a kindergarten, an apartment building and a two-story shoe factory where a fire has broken out. “A person has dead“, they declared in a statement.

Attack on Lutsk airfield

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In the city of Lutsk, in northwestern Ukraine, there was also shelling. Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov announced that “the Lutsk and Ivano-Frankivsk military airfields (in western Ukraine) were out of service.”

“Explosions next to the airport. Everyone stay safe! Do not publish any photos, addresses or data, “he warned for his part on Facebook Ilhor Polishchuk, the mayor of Lutsk.
