Russian bloggers doodgereden in bezette stad Donetsk: “Kremlin censureert how te veel afwijkt van officiële verhaal” | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland

A Russian military blogger has come to the beautiful city of Donetsk in the east of Ukraine. This is reported by the Russian state intelligence agency RIA Novosti. Gennadiy Dubovoy was asked to leave a car to take the road over and over again.

“Hij went flowering halen. Everyone will arrive tomorrow and there will be some flowers cooking. “Toen hijn huis naderde, werd hij anangereden door een wagen,” said Vladislav Berditsjevski, a parliamentary representative of the independent People’s Republic of Donetsk.

Dubovoy sloot zich in 2014 to pro-Russian separatists. This was the year of the Maidan revolution, during which the pro-European protests and the annexation of the Crimea from Russia would be spoiled by the pro-Russian Oekraïense government. Separatists took over the real Donetsk and Loehansk and reaped the region from the celibate people’s republics, which were not considered to be the Crimean Republic of Russia. Dubovoy was one of the ideologists of ‘New Russia’, a leading confederation of Donetsk and Loehansk.


Volgens de Amerikaanse Denkank ‘Institute for the Study of War’ wants us to take part in the eight-country campaign of the Kremlin and the Russian Ministry of Defense from the Russian ultra-nationalist military bloggers and censor them “We have the official responsibility of Russia”.

There is a long-term criticism of the Russian government that has not been treated in the same manner as Russian veterans and the Wagner Group. Hij had not yet seen that he had a tijdje zijn mond zou houden na a eis van Rusland “om verslag uit te brengen over haar wanen”.

Kenner analyzes Kim Jong-un from Russia: “Gênante situation for poet” (+)
