Russia zal nooit opgeven, zegt poetin in nieuwjaarstoespraak | Buitenland

In this new year, the Russian President Vladimir Poetin said that the country “nothing should be done”. This country is also “Verenigd”, clone het, and the president brought a military service to two soldiers, zonder real old veel style the staan ​​at the oorlog in Oekraïne.

“We have always taken a closer look at the sea, so we can’t crawl and we can’t crawl. “Geen enkele kracht kan ons verdelen”, Aldus Poetin in his speech. Hij never left legal treeks after the conflict in Oekraïne.

In contrast to the previous year, toen the Kremlin-hoofd omringd the soldiers in uniform, describe Poetin 2024 as the “jaar van het gezin” for the traditional back ground of the Kremlin. “To all those who do service, to the front of the strijd voor waarheid en Rechtvaardigheid, jullie zijn one heroes,” two poets. “Onze hard zijn bij jullie. We are still on Julien and admire Julien Moed.”

Over the recent Oekraïense aanvallen in Belgorod, was 21 years old, repte Poetin met geen word. The most important ones in the Russian countryside were invaded in February last year. Kremlinwoordvoerder Dmitri Peskov wanted to know that he was going to be attached to the document beforehand.

De lotsbestemming van het vaderland is volgens poetin het belangrijkste element dat de burgers verenigt. The Kremlin has been trying for a long time to promote a picture of the President, in a loop near the poet in Maart. Theoretically, the poet could be dead in 2036, when she was 84, in the Kremlin.

The United States has lost its reputation for the Russian army op 315,000 won by the military. Behalve the large woods of families of soldiers, Krijgt Poetin de komende maanden mogelijk te maken met onrust over the stijgende prizes.
