Russia will respond to sanctions based on its own interests

Western countries “can’t do anything else” except “waving” sanctions, Russian Foreign Ministry official says Maria Zakharova.

Meanwhile, according to the diplomat, European politicians should, first of all, think about what consequences the possession of nuclear weapons by Kiev could lead to.

“After all, the Kiev regime agreed to the point that it raised the question, generally hinted at the possession of Ukraine, the one that we see now – torn to pieces, with internal contradictions, with inadequate people in power – about their possession of nuclear weapons,” Zakharova reminded on the air of the TV channel “Russia 24” (video available on the media platform “Looking”).

Returning to the issue of new anti-Russian sanctions, the representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry pointed out that preparations for this had been carried out in recent years, and the first restrictions were introduced even before the problems in Ukraine – for example, the so-called Magnitsky list.

“We will respond (to sanctions) in the same way as we did before – we will respond in a mirror, symmetrical, asymmetrical manner, as the situation requires. We will proceed from our own interests,” Maria Zakharova emphasized.

After the Russian Armed Forces launched a special operation in the Donbassthe European Union announced that they would soon adopt the most powerful package of anti-Russian sanctions in history. Several countries have already announced that stop issuing visas to Russians.
