“Russia wants to launch a rocket campaign for the European infrastructure” | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland

The Russian Legislature has officially begun with a “gecoördineerde campaign” which, as a contribution to the Oekraïense energy infrastructure, will be achieved. The British Ministry of Defense reported this in a new report.

The Russian campaign on December 7th was the starting point of “a coordinated campaign” against the Russian energy infrastructure, supported by the British Defense Force. Moscow dropped two missiles of the type ‘Kh-101’ from Kiev and other Oekraïense centers, from the state in the report.

“Russia has a special missile defense plan for the winter campaign,” he says. It’s a shame that the infrastructure is dead now that there’s a real “minimum” when the Oekraïense leger de meeste raketten kon neerhalen, aldus het ministry.

KIJK. Russian president poet: “Wapens Oekraïne raken op. Zij hebben geen toekomst, wij wel”

It has been around for a long time that Russia’s plan is based on a large rocket and drone system with critical Oekraïense infrastructure for the coming weeks. Well, last year the Moskou dat, met allen burgerslachtoffers and talloze stroomstoringen tot volg.

Severe winter

In November, the American newspaper ‘The New York Times’ wrote that the European energy system has not yet been fully manufactured, which was published in the previous year. The owners have been trained to prepare for an extremely harsh winter.

Ook functionarissen van de Verenigde Naties benadrukten eerder deze week dat de humanitarian omstandigheden in Oekraïne aanzienlijk deteriorate door de toenemende aanvallen, zeker nu het land al te kampen heeft met blance snowval en vriestemperaturen.

Oekraïne has these camps with black snow and cold temperatures. © REUTERS

Oekraïne has these camps with black snow and cold temperatures.
Oekraïne has these camps with black snow and cold temperatures. © AFP
