Russia wants to close international LGBT community because of “extremism” | Buitenland

The Russian Ministry of Justice responded to the “international LGBT movement” and banned it because of “extremism”. This is what the ministry says. The Russian Hoogrechtshof announced on November 30th about the week.

In the personal report, the Ministry of LGBT+ Movement in the Algemeen Viseert, of several specific organizations. “The Ministry of Justice serves a deep administration in the Hoogrechtshof om the international LGBT movement as extremist and catalogs and hair activities on the ground level of the Russian Federation and is banned.”

Russia, which has more power than ever in the West, stacks the conservative rules against the LGBT+ community. Zelf shows that it is now necessary for the children to be protected by children. Human rights activists have heard of Vladimir Poet in his regime and the homo- and transfoob insult.

“The Russian powerhouses have taken advantage of the LGBT+ community in the public domain, the burgers of the country belong to other burgers. “Now we don’t want to do anything about the open market, we can also join as a social group,” said Dilia Gafoerova, director of Sphere, a human rights organization for the LGBT+ community in Russia.

“It is typical for repressive and non-democratic regimes and this kind of maatregelen te nemen: de meest kwetsbaren volgen”, voegde ze eraan toe. Gafoerova praises the numerous “defenses” for LGBT+ rights in Russia.
