Russia-Ukraine War: US accuses Putin of wanting to extend the war

The Russian President, Vladimir Putindoes not intend to end the war from Ukraine with the campaign donbas and wants to extend it to Transnistriaa region of Moldova that broke away in 1990, US intelligence director Avril Haines warned on Tuesday.

“We estimate that President Putin is preparing for a long conflict in Ukraine, during which he still intends to achieve goals beyond Donbas,” Haines told Congress. the services of intelligence Americans consider that the army of Russia he wants to “extend the land bridge (in southern Ukraine) to Transnistria,” he added.

It is “possible” that Russian forces will achieve this goal in the coming months, but “they will not be able to reach Transnistria and include Odessa without decreeing a form of general mobilization,” he added.

Weaken the US and the EU

Putin “is probably counting on a weakening of the determination of USA and the European Unionwhen food shortages worsen and energy prices rise,” he warned.

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Putin’s ambitions outstrip the capabilities of the Russian military and that “likely means that in the coming months we will evolve down a more unpredictable and potentially escalating trajectory,” Haines added. “The current trend increases the chances that President Putin will resort to more drastic measures, including the establishment of the martial lawthe reorientation of industrial production or a possible military escalation to free up the resources needed to achieve their goals,” he said.

“We continue to believe that President Putin will only authorize the use of nuclear weapons if he perceives an existential threat to the Russian state or regime,” he added. However, the Russian president could resort to them “if he believes he is losing the war in Ukraine and the NATO intervenes or prepares to intervene,” he said. But, even in this scenario, “it is likely to send signals” before doing so, Haines said.
