Russia-Ukraine war today: Putin’s troops launch missiles at the city of Odessa

More than a thousand Georgians express their support for Ukraine

More than a thousand Georgians have gone out this Sunday to the center of Tbilisicapital of Georgia, to express their support for the Ukrainian people in front of the Parliament building, with demands for the peace and for the freedom of Ukraine and Georgia -which also shares a border with Russia-.

“I have gone out into the street to express that Ukraine is not alonethat the people of Georgia support her,” a young protester who identified herself as Tamta told the Efe news agency.

The protesters, who have loudly demanded that Russia “get out of Ukraine”have displayed Ukrainian, Georgian and European Union flags.

Among the protesters were young Ukrainian refugees, who along with 20,000 fellow citizens came to Georgia fleeing the war.

Georgian Prime Minister, Irakli Garibashvilihas declared to the press that his country sent Ukraine 400 tons of humanitarian aidand that it will continue to support the Ukrainian people.
