Russia-Ukraine war today: Last minute of Putin’s invasion, live

Widodo affirms that the G20 discussion to agree to mention Ukraine was “very tough”

The President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, assured today that the mention of the war in Ukraine agreed by the members of the G20 in the joint document was a “very tough discussion” and was the only “disputed” paragraph of the document. In a press conference at the end of the G20 leaders’ summit, held in Bali between Tuesday and Wednesday, Widodo stated that the mention of the war in Ukraine, condemned by the majority of the members in the document, was the most “contentious”. “We talked about it until midnight, and finally the Bali declaration was agreed upon and passed,” said the leader, known as Widodo. The “majority” of the G20 countries today strongly condemned the war in Ukraine and rejected “the use or threat of using nuclear weapons” in a text, agreed by the group of twenty, which contains 52 paragraphs and refers to various topics, including food security and the climate crisis.
