Russia – Ukraine war today: Last minute after Putin’s threats and the deployment of Russian troops, live

A pro-Russian former deputy of the Ukrainian Parliament dies after an attack on a hotel in Kherson

At least two people have died this Sunday, including Alexei Zhuravkoa pro-Russian former deputy of the Ukrainian Parliament, after an attack on a hotel in the city of Kherson, according to a spokesman for the emergency services to the Interfax news agency. The authorities established by Russia in Jershon have specified that the attack, which has claimed the life of the pro-russian politician and former member of Party of Regions, has been carried out by the Armed Forces of Ukraine with a multiple launch rocket system (HIMARS) in an area where there is no military presence. In fact, the vice president of the military and civil administration of Kherson, Kiril Stremusov, has specified that the bombing took place at 5:30 am (local time). All the victims have been transferred to the nearest hospitals, according to the TASS news agency. “The building had no use with military purposes. Only journalists and hotel staff were inside: peaceful and unarmed people,” Kherson’s military and civilian administration said on Telegram, adding that “despite ongoing acts of terror,” the referendum continues in the city. Zhuravko , a native of the Dnipropetrovsk region, was a member of the Party of Regions. In 2015 he fled to Russia, although he returned last May to the Jersón region, where he would have voted in the referendum called by the pro-Russian authorities. The self-proclaimed republics of Donetsk Y Luganskas well as the pro-Russian authorities in Kherson and Zaporizhia They began on Friday a referendum of accession to Russia that will culminate next Tuesday. Moscow has already announced that it will respect the result of the vote, but neither Ukraine nor a large part of the international community, including USAthe NATO wave European Union.
