Russia-Ukraine war today: last hour of the war one year after Putin’s invasion

Hundreds of people in Madrid ask for a peaceful solution to the war in Ukraine

Hundreds of people have demonstrated this Saturday in Madrid in favor of peace in Ukraine and against Russian President Vladimir Putin and NATO, and have demanded an end to the war through a “peaceful” way that does not contribute to the “warmongering escalation” that, they say, is promoted by both Russia and the Atlantic Alliance. Convened by the Popular Assembly against the war, which integrates dozens of collectives, organizations and unions such as the CGT, CRT or Contracorriente, the protesters have marched from the Plaza de Callao to tour the center of the capital until they reach the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in a claim that falls on the first anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, on February 24, 2022, after years of military tension. During the protest, led by a banner with the message “No to war: Russian troops out of Ukraine, no to NATO intervention”, attendees chanted chants such as “Military budgets for schools and hospitals”, “Not even Putin nor NATO; no to war” or “They are not progressive, they are militarists”, and they have carried signs with slogans such as “Just Peace” or “Death to war”.
