Russia-Ukraine crisis, effects also on family assistance in Italy

G.young women, old ladies and even children. Whole families that in the name of defending the homeland, in Mariupol, a port city in southeastern Ukraine, participate in training courses of the Ukrainian special forces.

To learn how assemble a riflehow load ammunition and how aim at a target. Yup prepare to fight and they receive first aid bases in the parks of their cities. And while the war drums roll, with international diplomacy committed to finding a solution, concern for Ukrainians living in Italy grows.

Ukraine, the fear of having to fight back

A community, the Ukrainian onealso very numerous here in Italy, represented by 236 thousand citizens, in most cases donne, among the most committed to family care and assistance services. Women who here they have a home and a family, but for Ukrainian law, they can be called to fight for up to 60 years.

For this he gives Dominates, the national association of domestic employers families, the alarm comes. “The Ukrainian crisis is dangerous in many ways,” explains Secretary General Lorenzo Gasparrini. «And, among these there are, certainly the repercussions on the welfare system And family assistance also of our country, given that Ukrainian citizens, 5 per center of the total number of foreigners, they are women and 15 per cent employed as domestic workers ».

The Ukrainian community loves Italy

As reported in the third Report on Domestic Work of the Domina Observatory, Italy is the first European country for the presence of Ukrainian citizens. «According to available Eurostat data, 28% of Ukrainian residents in Europe reside in our country» continues Gasparrini «and it is the care work, the“ carers ”phenomenon, that attracts these workers».

It is the women who work

Not only that: «The Istat data show the same as in 2021 Ukrainians in Italy are between 15 and 64 years old, while children and the elderly are far fewer. They are therefore immigrants of working age. Furthermore, the strong female component highlights another aspect: that women come to Italy to work“.

The fact that in most cases these citizens have a long-term permit, makes them a very stable community in Italy. “The admissions in 2020 were over 3 thousand, a value halved compared to previous years probably due to the Covid pandemic”.

This stability, of course, the employment rate is significantly increased which sees them as protagonists in a total number significantly higher than the population of both Italians and resident foreigners.

“The interesting thing is that, to be particularly the female employment rate is high, over 66 out of 100 women work. While the employment rate of the male gender is clearly lower than that of other foreigners and Italians ».

