Russia threatens to hold a victory parade in Berlin

By Jeanne Plaumann

It is another attack by Putin’s friend and ex-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (57).

After Germany’s Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (63, SPD) said on “Maybrit Illner” (ZDF) on Thursday evening that he considered limited attacks by Ukraine on Russian territory in the fight against the invasion to be acceptable, Medvedev freaked out again on Twitter.

This time his destination: Berlin!

“The German Minister of Defense (…) certainly envies the fame of the warlords of the Third Reich,” said Medvedev after Pistorius’ statements on German television.

And the Kremlin mouthpiece threatens all of Germany: “The German who wants to attack Russia must be prepared for our parade in Berlin.”

► Pistorius never said that he wanted to attack Russia. But it is “completely normal” in a military conflict “that the attacked person also moves into enemy territory, for example to block supply routes,” said Pistorius on Thursday.

Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD)

Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) Photo: Sebastian Christoph Gollnow/dpa

You have to accept this out of necessity, “as long as no cities, no civilians, no civilian areas are attacked.”

At the same time, Pistorius made it clear that when making decisions about arms deliveries to Kiev, the West must keep in mind “how this war is being fought”.

It is not the first time that the ex-Russian president and Putin friend has threatened Germany. In March he spoke openly of dropping bombs on Berlin.

Reason for the threatening gestures: a possible arrest of the Kremlin ruler Vladimir Putin (70) after an arrest warrant was issued by the International Criminal Court.

► Medvedev then: “The current head of a nuclear state arrives on the territory of, say, Germany and is arrested. What is that? A declaration of war against the Russian Federation.”

Putin friend and ex-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (57)

Putin friend and ex-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (57) Photo: picture alliance/dpa/AP

Should an arrest take place in Germany, “all our means, rockets and others, will fly to the Bundestag, the Chancellery and so on,” said Medvedev.

Medvedev also attacked Federal Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann (45, FDP), calling him a “fool”. Reason: He had said that Germany would implement the penalty order and arrest Putin if he set foot on German soil.

Medvedev threatens to destroy Poland

Medvedev was once seen as the West’s hope for liberal reforms in Russia, but that’s long gone.

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, however, Medvedev has acted as Putin’s particularly brash chain dog, regularly lashing out on social media with threats and insults.

Most recently, the current deputy head of the National Security Council launched a head-on attack on one of Ukraine’s strongest supporters – Poland. And his Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki (54). He also threatened the annihilation of neighboring Ukraine.

As with Defense Minister Pistorius, it was also about attacks on Russian territory.
