Russia slaps fines of millions of euros on online companies: Wikipedia, Reddit, Google, Twitch…

Russian authorities also fined Wikipedia.

Reddit is a forum on the internet. Tashatuvango

On Tuesday, the Russian authorities decided to impose fines on the internet forum Reddit. According to the authorities, the site does not agree to their requests to remove content prohibited in Russia.

The fines imposed on Reddit are 2 million rubles (18,962 euros). On Tuesday, fines of the same value were also given to the Wikimedia Foundation, which owns Wikipedia. The Wikimedia Foundation has also received fines from Russia in the past.

According to the Russian authorities, the prohibited content is “false” information about Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.

Since the start of the war, Russia has restricted online media and bloggers. In addition, several internet services have received fines from the Russian authorities.

Due to the collapse of the value of the Russian ruble, the country has been in financial difficulties.

In addition to Wikipedia, Twitch and Google have also received fines. In all the accusations, it has been said that the services shared false information about the “special operation” in Ukraine.

Reddit did not respond to Reuters’ request for comment.

Told about it Reuters.
