Russia, shock proposal: it wants to organize the European 2028 and 2032

From Moscow the words of two members of the executive committee of the Russian football federation: “It’s not a joke, there’s a lot of time, things will change …”. There is also Italy among the candidates for Euro 2032

Incredible, but true. If it weren’t a tragic period in history, it might seem like the beginning of a joke. Russia wants the European Championship of 2028 and also that of 2032. Two members of the executive committee of the Russian Football Federation, Sergey Anokhin and Rustem Saymanov, announced this to reporters: “It’s not a joke, the Russian federation will apply for the European 2028 and 2032. Life continues, we are open and ready, we should not be closed to confrontation with Uefa and Fifa. There is still a lot of time, the situation will change … “. In September 2023 the official announcement of the organizing country.

the candidates

The other candidates for Euro 2028 are Turkey, Romania-Bulgaria-Greece-Serbia together and the big favorite, United Kingdom-Ireland. The assault on the 2032 European Championship is more directly related to Italy as the FIGC has also submitted the request for the assignment of the tournament (8d would be the third time after the 1968 and 1980 editions).
