Russia prepares opsporing report for Navalny’s bond report | Buitenland

“Maria Pevtsjich wordt gezocht on basis van een artikel van het strafwetboek”, staat te lezen op de website van het Russian Ministry van Binnenlandse Zaken. He doesn’t have the article in the price list.

Pevtsjich woont in ballingschap in Londen en de Russian authorities described Haar al Jaren as a “buitenland agent”. The journalist posted a photo on the website of the Russian State Ministry on bij.

Over Navalny makes supporters and NGOs cause great anger. The confessed Russian opposition is quoted in 2021 in the cel. He likes to listen to other people and join him in the squad that he can use via video connection on a regular basis. The heeft hij de laatste twee weken telkens mist.

First of all, there was a technical problem with the connection, but later the authorities were told that Navalny could not see anything in his sentence.
