Russia practices nuclear attack response

Russia practices nuclear attack response

Russia’s nuclear forces practice responding to a nuclear attack (stock photo) Photo: XGG/AP

From BZ/Reuters

Russia has launched maneuvers of its nuclear weapons forces amid speculation that Ukraine may have used a dirty bomb.

Nuclear submarines and strategic bombers took part in the exercises followed by Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday, and missiles were also used. The aim of the maneuvers was a possible reaction to a nuclear attack.

Putin reiterated claims that Ukraine was planning to use a dirty bomb filled with radioactive material. Evidence was not presented. Ukraine has denied the allegations.

According to a report by the RIA news agency, Putin said the risk of a global conflict was high. According to US information, Russia informed the US about the planned maneuvers on Tuesday. The Western military alliance NATO is currently practicing the use of US nuclear weapons during the annual Steadfast Noon maneuvers.

Western experts fear that Russia could use so-called tactical nuclear weapons with limited effect in Ukraine in view of the military setbacks. US President Joe Biden has warned the government in Moscow that this would be “an incredibly serious mistake”.


Nuclear Weapons Russia Ukraine Ukraine War Vladimir Putin
