Russia leaves elke dag 200 dead 300 meters of terrain, shows suffering NAVO-admiraal | Buitenland

UPDATEHet Oekraïense leger penetrates into two tegenoffensief de Russian troepen zo’n 200 to 300 meters per day, says NAVO admiraal Rob Bauer. Tegelijkertijd wordt Rusland door western sancties en diplomatieke druk steeds meer afhankelijk van “onbetrouwbare actors”.

The Oekraïners betalen for the 200 to 300 meter terreinwinst per day a high price, with both hands and wounds, at the NAVO-admiraal zaterdag at the annual conference of the military committee of NAVO in Oslo.


The talk about the Oekraïense tegenoffensief never gets lost quickly is vanwege de enormous hoeveelheden Russian mijnen, zei hij ook. It’s a mile a mile wide with many miles per square meter and the Oekraïners buildings. “Ze must write to you before you come to the door.” Bovendien was hij het er niet mee eens dat de Oekraïense opmars traag verloopt door een brek aan munitie.

Admiraal Rob Bauer and de Noorse Defense Chief, general Eirik Kristoffersen, head of conference in Oslo. © ANP / EPA

The Oekraïne came to the sea on 18 months during the Russian invasion. The three main buildings began in Kiev with an offensive and the Russian defense lines were opened to the public, in front of the south of the country. Moscow currently controls over 100,000 square kilometers of regional territory, including the annexed territory of Crimea in the Black Sea in 2014.

“Steeds sea afhankelijk”

The Russian strijdkrachten are leaving the sea on the ground in Russia on the effects of economic sanctions and diplomatic isolation, and Bauer is also on the conference. “Russia is established with on-betrouwable actors in the same works and in word steeds meer afhankelijk”, analyserde de voorzitter van het military comité.

Photomontage.  The Russian President Vladimir Poetin rekent op omstreden figures zoals de Wit-Russian President Aleksandr Loekasjenko and de North-Koreaanse unfortunately Kim Jong-un.
Photomontage. The Russian President Vladimir Poetin rekent op omstreden figures zoals de Wit-Russian President Aleksandr Loekasjenko and de North-Koreaanse unfortunately Kim Jong-un. © AP / AFP / Photo News

Loekasjenko and Kim Jong-un

The actors in Russia have a few words, the precise Bauer niet, but not yet had the Russian president Vladimir Poetin and an opvallend bezoek from the North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un. Ook met other omstreden power lifters as the Wit-Russian president Aleksandr Loekasjenko heeft Poetin veel contact.

Gisteren zat Poetin in the Russian Sotsji seeds with Loekasjenko. Unfortunately, the two of them spoke about the topic of trilateral seed work with North Korea, so they were communicated afterwards.

Unfortunately, the North Koreans are working in an erg printed program on the island of Russia. Hij received on the sea all the air and industrial factories, inspected a straaljager with a hypersonic rocket which a kernkop can be dragged, Kreeg Russia’s strategic bombers tezien and purchased a ship from the Pacific Vloot, waarop hij uitgebreid uitleg kreeg over the rocket- en torpedo systems .

Kim Jong-un eats food in Russia.
Kim Jong-un eats food in Russia. © AP

© AP

Wapens in ruil voor technology

The West blames Moscow for the will of Pyongyang for the conflict in Ukraine. North Korea is said to have been judged by suspected technology that will be discarded for its nuclear program and missile program.

Bauer was born today and the Russian suffering has been lost since the vast majority of the Oekraïense people and the two bonded countries can be found on the doors. “Russia is already in its first year of confrontation with its population and economy, and is now facing a military defeat,” Aldus de NAVO-Admiraal.

KIJK. How is the response to the notification of Kim Jong-un from the country following his travels to Russia?
