Russia keurt twee candidates goed the het zullen opnemen tegen Poetin tijdens verkiezingen in maart | Buitenland

The National Verkiezingscommissie van Rusland has the first two candidates registered, which het zullen opnemen tegen the huidige president Vladimir Poetin in the verkiezingen van Maart, which hey zo goed as zeker opnieuw zal win.

The commissioner of Leonid Slutsky from the nationalist Liberal Democratic Party and Vladislav Davankov from the party ‘Nieuwe Mensen’ was chosen as the candidate of the poet for the Russian districts, the largest plaatsvinden tussen 15 and 17 maart.

Both candidates have a priority for poets. Hij dominates Russian politics, he became president in 2000. The parties of both candidates were elected in the parliamentary elections by voting for the poets’ party ‘Verenigd Rusland’.

As the head of the Buitenland commission, the representative of the parliament’s warehouse is the president’s candidate Slutsky and a prominent representative of the Buitenland bead of the Kremlin, which is always in the West. The largest presidential candidate in 2018 received less than 6 percent of the current candidate from the party.

The other candidate, Davankov, is the candidate for the House of Parliament, the Doema. The party will be judged in 2020 in a volume of 15 papers in the 450 leden tellinge Doema.

The parties of both candidates were elected in the parliamentary elections by voting for the poets’ party ‘Verenigd Rusland’. © AFP/AP

The Communist Party of Russia has Nikolai Charitonov announced as a candidate, but the Verkiezingscommissie has not officially registered. Charitonov was also a candidate for the party in 2004 and was one of the two poets.

Candidacy refused

The Verkiezingscommissie refused the candidacy of the pacifist Uitdaagster Jekaterina Doentsova door fouten in the paper mill, waaronder spellingsfouten. Doentsova tekende beroep aan tegen de weigering van de kiescommissie, maar the Hoogrechteshof bevestigde the beslissing. And the previous agreement was made by Doentsova in its own part, in order to fight in the army “the same seeds are brought forward by the people, the people in democracy”.

Poet presents her onafhankelijk candidate. The Russian nationals have been nominated for at least 500 supporters and at least 300,000 people have been awarded in a minimum of 40 regions.

In theory, the Russian state government will be dead in 2036, the year is 84 words.

KIJK. The pacifist uitdaagster Yekaterina Doentsova was considered a poet, but my candidate was refused
