Russia has created a technology for the early detection of COVID-19

The Russian “Sputnik Light” confirms its reliability and effectiveness in combination with other vaccines against coronavirus COVID-19. This was stated in the Russian Direct Investment Fund. And Rospotrebnadzor reported: a technology has been developed that can be used to detect coronavirus at the earliest stage of the disease.

If the tubes glow, there is covid in the patient’s biomaterial. The Scientific Center for Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor has developed a new virus recognition technology. It’s all about CRISPR-Cas proteins. They respond to SARS-CoV-2 by destroying the fluorescent molecule. Hence the glow. But this can only be seen with the help of special devices. For example, a florimeter. So far, this is not a test system, but an already patented innovative Russian technology. Ultrasensitive – manifests itself even at a very young age viruson the first day after infection. The result is known in about an hour.

Alexander Tyumentsev, head of the laboratory of experimental pharmacology at the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, says that the system will be able not only to detect SARS-CoV-2, but also to genotype it – that is, to identify which strain the patient was infected with.

Anticovid vaccine cocktail – that’s what experts are studying today. And the first results are already there. Russian Sputnik Light and British-Swedish AstraZeneca are safe in tandem. These are interim results of the second phase of clinical trials. 200 volunteers from Russia and Azerbaijan took part in them. Experts have confirmed that it is possible to combine these anti-covid vaccines.

“We see significant interest from a large number of countries, combining various vaccines, including the Sputnik Light vaccine,” says Kirill Dmitriev, CEO of the Russian Direct Investment Fund. “Because more and more new mutations of coronavirus are emerging. And, of course, “Sputnik Light” as a booster vaccine for other vaccines shows very good, reliable and effective results.”

In Moscow the peak incidence of “omicron” passed: daily indicators are declining. Polyclinics of the capital from this day restore the volume of planned care. Sergei Sobyanin today opened a medical facility in Golyanov after reconstruction. And he noted that in a week the polyclinics should return to their usual rhythm of work.

“You coped,” said the mayor of the capital. “And today, when the recession is already underway, we can say with confidence that Moscow doctors and clinics molded this blow and provided the necessary medical assistance to everyone who turned to you. Thank you very much.”

The omicron wave is subsiding all over the world. South Africa has already reached the “plateau”. In America, the incidence curve has gone down. At first glance, this should be the logical end of the pandemic. But not everything is so simple, they say in the laboratory of genomic engineering at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. On the basis of the “delta”, or the same “omicron”, superstrains of coronavirus may arise. And they will most likely arise where there is a large number of people, where not everyone has been ill and not everyone has been vaccinated. For example, without immunity to covid in the countries of South Asia – about two billion people.

“South Asia can really be compared to a huge mass of milk, where the same strain can get,” says Pavel Volchkov, head of the MIPT genomic engineering laboratory. omicron”, which, having got into this huge “milk mass”, hello to the formation of “yogurt” in large quantities. So it is with the territory of southwestern Asia, where a huge number of people have not been ill.

Europe, meanwhile, is gradually lifting anti-COVID restrictions. This has already been done by Sweden, Denmark, Great Britain. Norway is ready now to welcome tourists without PCR and vaccination. By the end of March, Germany intends to abandon anti-COVID measures.

Against this background, reports of two new variants of “omicron” in Poland were somehow lost. Either it’s too early to ring the bells yet, there are no detailed data from Warsaw laboratories, or Europe is simply tired of the covid agenda.


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