Russia draait gaskraan naar Nederland vanaf tomorrow close, but it is ‘geen gevolgen voor huishoudens’

The Russian State Gas Bedrijf Gazprom stops delivering gas to the Netherlands. This is reported by the Nederlandse gasgroothandelaar GasTerra. The Netherlands states that the delivery stop is based on the middle of the day for the Netherlands.

Volgens GasTerra, responsible for the delivery of gas in the Netherlands, is not required by the betalingseisen van Gazprom, so that there are still wild fields in Roebels. The Russian gas bedrijf heeft daarop late weten de levering van gas per 31 mei te stop. According to the contract Gazprom had until 1 October nog 2 million cubic meters of gas to be leveren, so’n 5 percent van de hoeveelheid die Nederland jaarlijks nodig heeft.

Russia will land the gas in Roebels Afrekenen, because the land transport routes de economic sancties can not be sent over the euro’s the European bedrijven betalen voor zijn gas. With an engineered construction via the Gazprombank in Luxembourg, a trial in Moscow dat op te lossen. Afnemers van gas would like to raise two euro- than a roebelrekening. Values ​​in euro’s, which have been issued by the bank to Roebels op de Roebelrekening. With the Roebels wordt Gazprom betaald.

GasTerra, being in the Netherlands State, Esso and Shell same works, is the only Netherlands importer of the gas from Gazprom. The organization shows that there is an anticipation of the decision in the elderly guest that it is cooked. Op dit moment zijn de Nederlandse gasopslagplaatsen pas voor 37 per cent gevuld, aangezien Russia stops with leveren wordt het more difficult de komende winter voldoende aardgas beschikbaar te hebben. Netherlands is for 11 percent afhankelijk van gas from Russia.

Nederland is not the first country that is subject to the gas sea. They will also be mentioned in Poland, Bulgaria and Finland.
