Russia doesn’t like free use of Czech percelen for longer | Buitenland

Het gaat om accorden die de former communistische republic Czech-Slowakije had slotted with de Sovjet-Unie in de yar zeventig en eighth. Ze holden stood near the uiteenvallen van de Sovjet-Unie en de opdeling van Tsjecho-Slovakije begin de jaren negentig: Russia bleef benefiten van de regeling.

Volgens het communistische Tsjechische persbureau CTK kon Rusland op die manner 59 percelen en gebouwen in Tsjechië gratis gebruiken. The Russian embassy in Prague does not exist otherwise, but there are various buildings in the building that are open. Stay in the hoofdstad gaat het ook om locations in Brno – de tweede stad van Tsjechië – en het kuuroord Karlsbad.

Lipavsky shows that for the first time this has been done with the first few things “on the basis of verrijking te vermijden”. The Buitenlandminister suggests that the army should be prepared to do business in diplomatic documents.

The treatment of Prague and Moscow has deteriorated since the Russian invasion of Ukraine and February last year. In April, the Czech government decided that there would be light on the large number of defensive works with the United States. The overeenkomst vergemakkelijkt het stationeren van Amerikaanse military in the country, dats ist 1999 lid is van de western defense alliance NAVO.
