Russia denies responsibility for massacre in Ukrainian Bucha

Russia has denied responsibility for the massacre of civilians in the Ukrainian city of Bucha.

“During the period when the settlement was under the control of the Russian armed forces, not a single resident suffered from any acts of violence,” the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement released on Sunday. The Russian soldiers left the Kiev suburb last Wednesday.

Pictures from Butscha had caused horror worldwide on Sunday. Photos and videos show the bodies of dead civilians lying in the middle of the street. The Ukrainian side blames Russian soldiers who occupied the small town until recently.

The Russian Ministry of Defense, on the other hand, spoke in the Telegram service of a “planned media campaign” and gave the impression that the Ukrainian army could have killed the civilians themselves by shelling them. There was no evidence for this.

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The authorities in Moscow also indicated that the recordings could be fake – for example because one of the people lying on the side of the road is said to be moving his hand in a video recording. However, this is wrong. No hand movement can be seen in the corresponding video.

According to consistent media reports, the bodies are lying there. In other photos taken by press photographers, among others, on the same street, the corpses lie in exactly the same place.

  (Photo: )
