Russia continues bombing in Donetsk: “Entire frontline fired on incessantly” | Abroad

The Russian army continues its bombing raids in Donetsk, a region in eastern Ukraine. That says Governor Pavlo Kyrylenko.


9 Jul. 2022

Latest update:


“The entire frontline is being shelled incessantly,” Kyrylenko said. “They will not stop firing in the direction of Donetsk,” the governor of the eastern region added to the Telegram message service.

“Bachmoet is being shot at. Slovyansk is being shelled day and night, Kramatorsk…” Earlier in the day, Kyrylenko reported that the shelling in 24 hours killed six people and injured 21.

In Kharkiv, a region of northeastern Ukraine, Russian bombing killed four civilians in 24 hours. Nine civilians were injured, Governor Oleg Sinegoebov reported.

SEE ALSO: Russia bombs Snake Island after hoisting Ukrainian flag

Also watch: Ukrainian farmers plant vegetables during shelling

A wheat field is on fire in Ukraine’s Donetsk region. © REUTERS
