Russia claims to have killed 250 Ukrainians in ‘repulsed offensive’ in Donetsk

Russia claims to have killed 250 Ukrainians in ‘repulsed offensive’ in Donetsk

The Russian defense ministry claims on Sunday it repelled a “major offensive” by the Ukrainians at five different points of the frontline in the Donetsk region. International news agencies report this on Monday. According to the Russians, hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers were killed in the fighting and nearly 20 tanks were destroyed. Moscow’s claims have not yet been independently verified. No official response has yet been received from Kyiv.

Whether the alleged Ukrainian attack is part of the long-awaited counter-offensive remains unclear. Major attacks on the ground have largely failed to materialize in recent weeks, with Ukraine and Russia mainly reporting missile and drone attacks. On Sunday, Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksi Reznikov suggestively posted the lyrics of Depeche Mode’s song “Enjoy The Silence” on Twitter: „Words are very unnecessary, they can only do harm”.

The Ukrainians have been preparing for months for a counteroffensive, but when exactly that will start is unclear. Photo Yevhenii Zavhorodnii/Reuters
