Russia attacks with missiles the city of Odessa, key to the Black Sea

Various russian missiles have impacted this Sunday morning in a refinery in the Ukrainian port city of Odessawhose fuel tanks They are on fire, without it being known yet if there have been victims in the attack. The city council of the city, key to the Black Sea, states that “Odessa was attacked from the air“. the Ukrainian army has announced that no casualties have been recorded.

The missiles have struck at about six in the morning, local time, this infrastructure located in the north of Odessa. Specifically, they have impacted together with the portwhere a pipeline from Russia. have been counted six explosions of different intensity, which have been felt kilometers from the place.

“Some missiles were shot down by the air defense” and “fires have been reported in some areas,” local authorities reported on their Telegram account.

“The Odessa region is part of the priority objectivess of the enemy. Russia continues its perfidious practice of attacking sensitive infrastructure,” said Regional World South Officer Vladislav Nazarov.

Flares and columns of fire

Three columns of black smoke rise from the refinery and can be seen from all over the city. Firefighters are on the scene trying to control the flames caused by the missiles, which start from various fuel tanks where, from time to time, explosions occur when their contents catch fire.

Tatiana, who lives in an apartment in a two-story building about fifty meters from the entrance to the facility, explained to EFE that she has heard six explosions, four of them in the refinery area and two more a little further away.

This neighbor has reported that her brother worked at the facility until it stopped working in 2014, but that there are always security personnel there day and night. “We heard a noise and we jumped out of bed,” she explained, shocked by the event.

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Another neighbor, Sergei, has felt the attacks as “an earthquake” from his home, located on a hill several hundred meters from the infrastructure.

This morning the anti-aircraft alarms have sounded in Odessa on three occasions, one of them coinciding with the attack.
