Russia arrests suspected van moordpoging op pro-Russian Oekraïense politicus (53) | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland

The Russian policy has one oppacked the suspicion of moordpoging on the prominent politician Oleh Tsarjov (53). Last week Tsarjov took part in a shooting party in the Crimean Republic.

The 53-year-old politician and military leader Oleh Tsarjov was shot last week for his visit to the city of Yalta, in the Crimean Republic. Tsarjov raked together, he had to overlook the land. Volgens de Russian authorities is de toestand van de politicus “bevredigend”. The family now has extra protection.

The policy has nothing to do with a suspected oppack. He’s a 46-year-old who also lives in Yalta. Tijdens zijn verhoor zou the suspicions hebben toegegeven that his Tsarjov al a tijdje in de gaten hield en dat hij wapens voor de moordpoging had regeld. The person appeals to the “Oekraïense veiligheidsdienst” after the aanslag zat.

Bondgenoot of Russia

Tsarjov was elected in 2002 a year later in the Oekraïense parliament for the Russian-Gezinde Partij van de Regio’s. In 2014, he was a candidate for president of the United Kingdom, and he was not allowed to take part in the election of the Mosque-controlled government in the East of the Netherlands. Later on, the Russians were annexed in 2014.

Kort na de Russian invasion of Oekraïne was Tsarjov naar lost van plan om a pro-Russian regime in Kiev te suffer. Maar zover kwam the uiteindelijk niet, aangezien the Russian leger he never in slaagde om de regering van de Oekraïense president Volodymyr Zelensky te verdrijven. Last year, Tsarjov became a veroordeeld dead for two years before a trial from the state over the world.

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