Russia and the Ukraine are ruined by two words: “We bring ze thuis, hoe dan ook” | Buitenland

The Russian Ministry of Defense reports that 195 Russian soldiers are present in even the largest Russian military. The President of the Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, has promised to take over the leadership of 207 foreigners who live in Russia. “Onze mensen zijn terug, wel 207. We brengen ze thuis, hoe dan ook,” wrote Zelensky op X (voorheen Twitter). “We think of all Oekraïense gevangenen, zowel strijders as burgers. We always want to thuisbrengen. That’s what we’re working on,” the president is still there.

Oorspronkelijk was a planned return for January 24th. The day will be a real vehicle for a Russian transport vehicle that will be transported to the Oekraïense air force in the city of the Russian city of Belgorod. Moskou declared that 65 Oekraïense krijgsgevangenen omgekomen zijn bij de crash, maar leverde daarvoor still geen overtuigend proof. The advertising word also betwist door Kiev, this is an international onderzoek after the incident.

The Russians are invading the world in 3,000 countries, as the onderdeel of 50 people.

KIJK. Moskou has been given the opportunity to travel freely
