Russia again disconnects the Zaporizhia power plant from the Ukrainian electricity grid

The Zaporizhia nuclear power plant in Ukraineoccupied by Russia, “lost connection again” with the electricity grid, although it is still active thanks to a reserve lineannounced on Saturday the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which maintains a group of experts on site. The last line that is still in operation “has been damaged,” explained the IAEA, recalling that the other three “were lost in the conflict.”

The incident, similar to the one that occurred on August 25, occurred “after new shelling in the area,” Ukrainian authorities told the UN agency. Despite everything, the installations continue to generate energy “thanks to a standby power line“, added the report.

first disconnect

On August 25, the plant, the largest in Europe, was disconnected completely of the Ukrainian network for the first time in its history. Six experts from the UN agency are currently at the plant and two of them will remain “continuously” to “help stabilize the situation,” according to IAEA chief Rafael Grossi. The person in charge assured that his men had barely managed to keep the two operating reactors of the atomic plant operational.

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After inspecting the facilities of the plant, Grossi declared that “the physical integrity of the plant” had been “raped” and denounced a situation “unacceptable”. In recent weeks, the venue was bombing target that Russians and Ukrainians accuse each other and that aroused fears of a nuclear disaster.

The Government of Kyiv maintains that the Russian Army has turned the Zaporizhia plant into an arsenal, and that it is bombing the adjacent towns such as Nikopol, taking advantage of the fact that the Ukrainian military will not respond given the dangerous nature of the facilities. Moscow, on the other hand, accuses its enemy of shooting against the plant and put at risk the personnel who work there and the tasks they perform.
