Russell Brand accused of sexual abuse by four women

The actor denies any allegations.

Four women are making serious allegations against actor and comedian Russell Brand. Brand is said to have sexually abused her over a period of seven years. The actor vehemently denies the allegations.

The accusations were initially anonymous reported in an article by “The Times”.. According to her own statements, one of the women was only 16 years old when she had a three-month relationship with the then 31-year-old. The abusive behavior is said to have taken place during this time. Brand allegedly referred to her as “the child.”

Another woman reports an alleged assault at Brand’s home in Los Angeles. After the incident, she apparently turned to a counseling center for rape victims. “If a girl says NO, that means no,” she is said to have written to the actor afterwards, who replied with “I’m very sorry”.

The third allegation comes from a woman who describes Brand as “physically and emotionally abusive.” A fourth woman claims the actor was assaulted while they were working together. He is said to have threatened legal consequences if she commented publicly.

Brand’s response to the allegations came before the Times report was published, after he was notified by the magazine about the allegations against him. He admits that he was very sexually active during the period to which the allegations relate, but that all sexual encounters were “completely consensual”.

The actor also questions the intentions of the media reporting on the allegations. He says in his statement: “Seeing how this transparency is being turned into something criminal, which I absolutely deny, makes me ask: Is there another agenda behind this?”
