Runs! Only grandma forgets my veggie month

BZ reporter Mary-Lou Künzel wants to do without meat for a month

BZ reporter Mary-Lou Künzel wants to do without meat for a month Photo: Christian Lohse

By Mary-Lou Künzel

Meatless day 8. My renunciation runs like clockwork. When shopping, I can walk past ham, chicken and co. without getting an appetite.

And because I have not used alternative products so far, I even save some money. Nevertheless, I have made up my mind to try such meat substitute products. Really many of my veggie friends swear by vegan Teewurst. She is super delicious. What is not there!

However, I spend that directly on a pack of dragon tongues and half-baked cookies. Fortunately, only my dear colleague has to do without sweets.

Yesterday I was with my grandparents, who are always a bit forgetful when it comes to changing their diet. Grandma surprises me with a pizza, a pizza mista… Of course I’m really happy about the idea, but in the end I only eat mushrooms and pepperoni as toppings. I’ve eaten all the ham and the surely delicious salami – it still tastes good.

At least I don’t want to give up my experiment after just over a week. Because if I put my mind to something, I’ll see it through.


Guide: Fitness and Beauty Topic of the Month Vegetarian & Vegan vegetarian cuisine
