Run for free apple trees in Leudal | 1Limburg

250 apple trees were not nearly enough on the first day of distribution by the municipality of Leudal. “We did not expect such a run-up.”

Alderman Robert Martens personally stood by the trailer to hand out a large batch of young apple trees for free to the first lucky residents.

Front yard
Martens: “I think we will have to organize a second day of action soon. We can’t wait long because new plants can only be successfully planted this month. Maybe it will work next weekend.” Citizens report early in the morning at the town hall in Heythuysen. “The municipality that hands out something for free, that doesn’t happen often,” says a resident. “I plant this in the front yard. That’s where the most sun is.”

The municipality of Leudal is tackling it thoroughly. In the coming years, no fewer than 37,000 fruit trees will be distributed to residents. “One tree for every resident to stimulate biodiversity,” said an employee of the public space department.

A few come by bicycle to get their apple tree. In the parking lot it is mainly a coming and going of cars. The rear seats are flattened to get the asset home undamaged: “Yes, we do have two trees in the back”, says a woman. “That’s actually not allowed, but I see we are not the only ones.”

After an hour, all the trees have been distributed, but people who come to the action continue to report. “Not disappointed, no, I have registered for the next round. I did not expect that I had to be there so early. But yes, if something is free, then everyone signs up.”
