Rugby. Zebre, step back: Cardiff passes 42-14

After the victory with the Dragons, the franchise takes 4 tries in 20 minutes and never enters the game. In the second half the goals of Cronje and Mbandà. Debut for Franco Smith jr and Vintcent. Saturday 14 ends with the recovery of the derby in Treviso

Step back for the Zebras in Urc. After the comforting performances of Newcastle (Challenge, 25-22) and Edinburgh (Urc, 29-26), after the first win of the season against the Dragons (23-18) on Saturday 30 April, the Parma franchise is heavily beaten in Cardiff in the recovery of the 12th round of Urc (42-14). Match already scored in the first half: after 21 ‘the Welsh had already signed the four bonus tries with Ratti, Williams, a technique and Lane, also scoring in the final half.


In the second half the Zebras tried to react, the goal of the Cronje center arrived and in the final also that of Maxime Mbandà, who at the end of the season will go to Colorno in the Top 10. At the end of the sixth goal of the Welsh with Llewellyn. The Zebre season will end on Saturday 14 in Monigo with the recovery of the derby against Benetton.
