Rugby Urc, Zebras defeated, Warriors ramp up 40-12

Thirteenth defeat out of as many matches for the Parma franchise, overwhelmed in Scotland. A step back from the latest releases

There are setbacks and setbacks. In the latest releases, the Zebras, while failing to find their first win of the season, had shown a defensive organization, solidity in the static phases and some offensive ideas on which one could think of building. In Glasgow, on the other hand, it was late at night as the final 40-12 (6 to 2 tries) amply demonstrates. For Bigi and his companions practically nothing worked, while the Warriors feasted on the work of the melee package.

The match

The offensive bonus point arrived in just over half an hour. The first three tries came on the development of as many lineout mauls. In the first case the Scottish advancement has brought the hooker Matthews directly beyond the goal (who in the second half will even reach the hat-trick with two other tries in photocopy). In the other two the defense of the Zebras stopped the drive in error but then bowed once the oval was opened to the goals of Kebble and Wilson, also thanks to the usual wrong tackles. The fourth marking bears the signature of the scrum-half Dobie, quick from the base of a scrum advancing to 5 meters. Forward 28-0, the Scots tried an avoidable trick, pretending to go in a lineout on the last free kick of the first time to play the hand instead. To punish an opinionated gesture came the interception of Alessandro Fusco, culminating in the goal after 65 meters of solitary escape. Even in the unfortunate evening in Glasgow, the young blue scrum half was among the best of the Zebras, confirming the growth of a talent that even the national team will be able to count on in the future. The same goes for Luca Andreani, third line in 2001 class who scored his first goal in the Zebre jersey in the 79th minute.
