Rugby, Sharks and Stade Français with token fans: the announcement

After the announcement of the first three clubs of the oval ball, the digital token platform has also formalized the entry of South Africans and Parisians into the ecosystem

In the beginning it was Harlequins, Leicester Tigers and Saracens, but for the world of token fans it was just a taste of luxury. In fact, we are only witnessing the beginning of the adventure of digital tokens in rugby and to witness this is the double agreement signed by Socios to two other clubs. These are the Sharks and the Stade Français, which thus bring the total partner count to 5, adding to the three British ones.

The reactions

The clubs from Durban and Paris then kick off the contextual initiatives to bring fans closer to the protagonists of their favorite sport, while the top management commented: “We and Socios we have a common vision – explained the CEO of the South Africans Eduard Coetzee – and we want to give the fans the feeling of being part of their favorite team “. Thomas Lombard, equivalent of the French, echoes him:” The fans of the club deserve to be recognized for their unconditional support and we want to thank them for their loyalty and passion for the Stade Français, offering them innovative engagement opportunities. They will have the opportunity to take part in decisions that have a direct impact on the life of society “.
