Ruben Granados: There is no Silver (Because you don’t increase your value) – Brand

Wealth and money are not the same, nor are abundance and prosperity. I have been a financial advisor for 29 years and I have met many people with a lot of money who live in brutal scarcity. These people can fight with their children or family over money, deteriorate their relationships or their health by pursuing it, or what is worse: lose their values ​​and even their freedom for fear of losing it. There is a phrase that says: “if you live out of fear, you better never have money or you will suffer.”

In other words, we could say that prosperity is accumulating money and abundance is connecting with a purpose greater than just having money; That purpose could be intended first to enjoy, second to deliver value, help others, and consequently thirdly, obtain a benefit in exchange, that is, money.

Suffering usually begins when we put money first and it becomes our only objective or goal; In reality we do it because we generally believe that when we manage to have enough money all our problems will be solved as if by magic. But unfortunately I have bad news… that won’t happen. On the contrary, In this desperate pursuit, many people lose everything they thought they would obtain by achieving it, be it health, well-being, free time, friends, family, etc.

In short, many times we people get confused when we think that our value is determined by what we have or the place where we live, and not by what we are or who we become. So, We live focused on “having” instead of “Being.”and that is why we do everything to sustain what we have, since if we feel like we are losing it we believe that we are nothing.

At my Institute we work on financial education combined with personal development, and we do it not only with adults but also with children from 8 years of age, Since if the new generations understood that all their effort should not be in chasing money but in increasing its value, consequently their finances would never be a problem in their lives.

All people can be free, wise and rich, but to do so they must learn to play the game of money in its four areas: mental, emotional, spiritual and material. Otherwise, we will continue chasing money by doing actions only in the material or visible realm, working longer hours, spending less or clinging to it desperately.

In 2024, do not focus only on the context where the majority of people without financial education repeat “There is NO money”; Aim with a telescopic sight to increase your value and without a doubt you will realize that there IS money for those who have a powerful solution under their arm! So be it!


Instagram: @rubengranadosoficial

Youtube: Ruben Granados



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