RTV Drenthe in the sea with Omroep Max for new program Expeditie Nederland

What are the differences between the Dutch provinces when it comes to living, working and traditions? And what keeps people busy? These questions are answered in the new TV program Expeditie Nederland. RTV Drenthe works together with twelve other regional broadcasters, Omroep Max and the Caribbean Network.

Expedition Netherlands can be seen from Monday 4 April on NPO2, the broadcast starts at 18.30.


Each day focuses on a theme that is discussed from different perspectives by four regional reporters. The Drenthe reports are made by RTV Drenthe reporter Serge Vinkenvleugel. According to him, the program can be compared to Human’s Metropolis. “That international program shows the world through the eyes of local journalists. We do this more or less on a Dutch scale with four reporters from old to young, using a large camera, but also, for example, with a telephone.”

Themes such as caring for each other, sustainability, history, culture and traditions are treated. Bert Haandrikman from Borger and Carrie ten Napel provide the voice-overs in the program. Carrie ten Napel is the daughter of former sports commentator Evert ten Napel from Klazienaveen.

Drenthe examples

Reporter Serge Vinkenvleugel explains which Drenthe stories he will work with, among other things: “World Parkinson Day is such a theme. I am going to visit Jan Fieten in Koekange, a combative man with this disease. He knows that Parkinson’s is progressive, but that does not stop him from making beautiful carpentry works for others.Together with his wife Vera, he is already preparing for the days when he can no longer carpentry himself.Jan will tell in Expeditie Nederland that his illness has many more faces than just those trembling hands.”

The RTV Drenthe reporter was also allowed to work on the episode about living and working on water. “How can a girl from Hoogeveen end up as second mate on the largest passenger ferry in the Netherlands? I went to Gabriëla van der Wilt with that question,” says Serge Vinkenvleugel. “Gabriëla, 24, fulfills her maritime ambitions in a place that has traditionally been claimed only by men. Now she stands on the bridge of the Stenaline ferry from Hoek van Holland to Harwich. She talks about her passion for deep sea shipping. and her ambassadorship, because the Drenthe tries to make students enthusiastic about the profession, including young people from provinces that are not located on a large body of water, such as Drenthe.”

Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao

Regional broadcasters have already collaborated with Omroep Max for the North-East-South-West program. Now all broadcasters are involved and the Caribbean Network is also joining. “For me, the collaboration with the Regional Broadcasters and the Caribbean Network is a logical step, because just like Friesland and Limburg, the Caribbean part also belongs to the Netherlands,” says Carmen Fernald, editor-in-chief of the program. “The perspectives that the makers bring from Aruba, Curaçao and Bonaire provide a surprising picture of the Netherlands.”

Switch to Omroep Max?

Does this collaboration mean that RTV Drenthe sees the reporter leave for Omroep Max? Serge Vinkenvleugel answers resolutely: “Néééé! No, I will continue to work at RTV Drenthe. Expedition Netherlands will run until the summer. But during that time I will also continue to make and write stories for RTV Drenthe from time to time.
