RTV Drenthe comes with podcast about resistance woman Annie Post-Salomons

Hannechien ‘Annie’ Post-Salomons was captured by the Germans during World War II and suffered numerous atrocities. Yet the resistance woman from Nieuw-Buinen kept her jaws closed.

Under the title ‘Singing through the hell’ Lydia Tuijnman made a four-part podcast about the underexposed story of Post-Salomons. A woman who looked after people in hiding, sometimes twenty at a time. After her arrest, she underwent weeks of interrogation, was placed in three German camps and survived a death march.

In the early evening of April 30, 1945, Post-Salomons was liberated. After returning to the Netherlands, she was told that her husband, the resistance hero Marinus Post, had been executed by the Germans. The resistance woman then processed her war past in silence.

The first part of this podcast and radio series will be broadcast on Sunday in the radio program Drenthe Toen, between 12.00 and 14.00. After that, the story about Post-Salomons can be heard via the various podcast apps and Broadcast Missed.
