RTL Nieuws face Boyan Ephraim under fire after attack on Beau

Boyan Ephraim gets the sneer in the face at his colleague Beau van Erven Dorens. Critics find his climate talk hypocritical, as he turns out to be a real KLM tiger himself.


Beau van Erven Dorens was attacked in his talk show this week by a climate activist who stuck to his talk show table. The presenter initially reacted very irritated to this, which came to be criticized by a number of usual suspects such as Katja Schuurman and Tim Hofman.

Boyan angry with Beau

Boyan Ephraim, Jan de Hoop’s successor at the RTL Breakfast News, also decided to give Beau a verbal beating. He thinks it’s a travesty that Beau dismissed the climate activist as uncivilized.

The 27-year-old newsboy: “And then discuss whether this is rude … Wow … Maybe we should realize that the youngest generations will soon no longer have a life, because nobody takes this seriously enough and really takes action enough.”

He is terribly concerned about the climate. “It will be catastrophic for all of us.”

“Mr. Hypocrite!”

Boyan hit Beau with the latest United Nations climate report, but how green is the newscaster himself? Well, not at all. His whole Instagrampage is refreshed every other week with all kinds of photos and videos from faraway destinations such as New York, Chicago and Dubai. He appears to make an extreme amount of air travel.

It leads to Boyan getting a lot of buzz on Twitter. Deo Volente: “Mr. the hypocrite flies all over the world for his own pleasure. Why is he concerned about the climate? ”

And Ko: “These are really big words for someone who flew to New York, London, Parija, Dresden, Chicago, Dubai and Budapest last year! And the year isn’t even over yet!”

Newsreader reacts

What does the newsreader have to say to that? Boyan is on the defensive. He does not think it necessary to be addressed about his flying addiction. “This is very easy, distracts from the topic and kills the discussion. Something like this needs a system change, because as an individual you can’t change anything meaningful about it unfortunately.”

Boyan has to fly the plane from here to there for fun trips, he explains. “Avoiding the ‘fossil world’ is not possible in this world. That doesn’t take away from the fact that I sometimes feel uncomfortable about it, indeed.”

“Don’t talk to me!”

If he’s so uncomfortable about it, then Boyan and his girlfriend can just stop flying, right? That is going a step too far. “On the other hand, I hardly eat meat anymore, I have no children and I increasingly take the train instead of the plane and I replace the car and scooter rides for the bicycle, etcetera.”

All in all, Boyan just wants to continue playing the climate fighter, without being held accountable for his own polluting behaviour. “It makes no sense to address an individual like that and accuse hypocrisy. Everyone has to change, but that is something that you cannot expect from an individual.”

Ko then: “I think that everyone should confront each other and listen to each other. So I don’t agree with you.”

Boyan has since deleted his sneer at Beau and his tweets on the subject.


Boyan for a midweek trip to New York:
