‘RTL contract is ready for Matthijs van Nieuwkerk’

After the split of Matthijs van Nieuwkerk with BNNVARA, his recordings for NTR’s Top 2000 a gogo also go into the trash. Where else can he go? Jort Kelder: “His RTL contract is ready.”


It is already the blackest year in Matthijs van Nieuwkerk’s career: he broke all ties with BNNVARA on Monday and the news has just arrived that the recordings of his NTR show Top 2000 a gogo are going into the trash. The recordings were abruptly halted last weekend and will therefore not be resumed.

Also away from NTR

Willemijn Francissen, media director of the NTR, says: “Following the content and effect of the Volkskrant article, both the NTR and Matthijs come to the conclusion that it is not possible to make the recordings of the Top 2000 planned in December a gogo. to continue.”

She continues: “Despite the fact that the situation at the Top 2000 cannot be compared to that of De Wereld Draait Door, the debate that is now being conducted in response to the publications also has an impact on the team of the Top 2000 and the image of the program. . How we proceed with these titles this year is the subject of discussion with the NPO.”


Can Matthijs return to television? Presenter Jort Kelder in Op1: “I think he will first think in the woods and then in six months or a year… Yes, he will return to the profession, won’t he?”

Then he points out that Matthijs was once very far in the negotiations with RTL. “I think the contract with RTL is still ready. I don’t know. We will see.”

Jort suggests that Matthijs will never grow that big again. “Is it in television stardom? You also have Ellen DeGeneres who was always very popular and suddenly: boom, all the stories came from behind the scenes and it was exit.”

RTL and Talpa? No’

Telegraaf reporter Jordi Versteegden does not see a transfer to RTL happening. “Honestly, I don’t hope – and I dare to say that now – that RTL and Talpa now think: we are going to bring him in. That would of course be very bad,” he added Telegraph TV.

Why? “Especially because RTL has the Voice scandal hanging on its pants and at Talpa you have John de Mol as boss. I don’t think those channels should say at this point: ‘We’re bringing in Matthijs van Nieuwkerk.’ Then the public broadcaster will almost only be left and then it is important what will come out of that research.”


Luuk Ikink does not see it happening either, he says in RTL Boulevard. “The fate of Matthijs is in the hands of the streaming services?”

Colleague Rob Goossens: “It looks a bit like that. RTL said after The Voice: ‘There is simply no room for this kind of bully with us’, so if they were to revolve around it, that would actually be unacceptable. Perhaps there is a streaming service that thinks: this is a great opportunity, we are going to work with Matthijs van Nieuwkerk.”
