RTL 7 talk show VTBL slaughtered at home: ‘Down with it!’

The RTL 7 talk show VTBL, currently the biggest viewership flop on Dutch television, is now also losing the support of colleagues from RTL Boulevard. “Why do they still have to be given the time?”

© Tom Cornelissen, RTL

After four episodes, it is evident that the Simon Zijlemans football talk show VTBL is nothing and will be nothing. The viewing figures are earth-shatteringly low – only 33 thousand people are still watching – and as a result the program costs much more than it delivers. A TV exit is inevitable, but RTL lets Simon and his buddies struggle for a while.

“This is painful!”

Even RTL Boulevard, RTL’s clubhouse where programs by colleagues are normally fanatically promoted, is now withdrawing its support. Rob Goossens, the television expert of the program, believes that the talk show does not need time, but a channel boss with compassion. “This is just a little painful.”

Rob does not understand why RTL leaves the men to their fate. “The main question is, of course, what they will have time for. To die yourself? This is not a development that is really going in the right direction, of course. I actually find it a bit painful.”

Waiting room feeling

Rob thinks it’s terrible TV. “I have now seen the program myself and it gave me a bit of a dentist waiting room feeling. No one else is dead, but it’s not very pleasant. Do you really have to give that time? I don’t think it’s very nice towards the men sitting there to turn the lights back on on Monday.”

Simon presents VTBL alternately with Frank Evenblij, who has yet to make his debut. It’s all hopeless, Rob thinks. “If you think halfway through the broadcast: OK, but you’re not even advertising your own next broadcast, then I’ll give up too. Sorry guys.”

bit mean

Isn’t Rob a bit mean to his own RTL colleagues? “I gave them the chance, because they’ve made four broadcasts now and you’ve had the opportunity three times to show: okay, it can really be something.”

However, according to Rob, that did not work out. If the viewing figures of VTBL are well below 100 thousand next week, then it is inevitable that RTL will take measures.
